CoolCollect®Outdoor Lockers
CoolCollect®Outdoor Lockers
CoolCollect®Outdoor Lockers are designed for the delivery of food and consumer goods purchased from the online store.
Outdoor -solutions operate independently and can be used, for example, in the parking lots of grocery stores, in densely populated areas or along busy roads. In addition, the CoolCollect® Outdoor -solution can be utilized for mass events and seasonal sales, for example in busy holiday areas.
CoolCollect® Outdoor Locker can be easily installed outside the company’s own premises – it is transferable and available 24/7. In this way, the store can get much closer to the customers.
- Our product design offers a maximum number of lockers in a compact space
- Units available in all temperatures - cold, freezing, neutral and combination units
- Units can be joined together to create different click&collect combinations
- Stable temperatures in lockers with effective fan assisted cooling
- Remote temperature monitoring as a standard
Check also our Indoor solutions CoolCollect®Indoor lockers and CoolCollect® locker walls.
Build the pick-up point by combining cold, frozen and neutral temperature locker modules to meet your requirements.
Below you will find an example of Cooler 7D + Freezer 3D.

In addition, build the inner lockers to meet your needs.
1-sided model: 370 mm (W) x 1150 mm (D) x see below height options
2-sided model: 370 mm (W) x 550 mm (D) x see below height options

CoolCollect® Outdoor Collection

Tefcold FSC1000H is a refrigerator with glass doors. Its dimensions are suitable for grocery store shelves and for walls. Also suitable as a flower cooler.
- illuminated advertising light box at the top
- efficient and even fan cooling
- exterior and interior surfaces are white
- electronic temperature control with digital temperature display
- 4 height-adjustable wire shelfs + bottom shelf
- inside a vertical LED light for the products
- wheels (4pcs) and adjustable feet (4pcs)
- self-closing doors
- The cabinet has freezer and cooler lockers. Locker temperature in Cooler-section +5..+7˚C and in Freezer-section -18..-20˚C.
- Pick-up lockers and user terminal on one side
- 7 surface doors, freezer or cooler lockers behind.
- 4 large cooler lockers or six small + one large freezer locker behind the surface door as standard
- Very spacious and deep pick-up lockers enable even large deliveries (2 in a row per locker)
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 2160 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 6930 x 1450 mm

Tefcold RK500 SNACK on kapea kylmäsäilytyskaappi, jossa koneisto alhaalla. Runko ja sisäosat kaikki korkealuokkaista ruostumatonta terästä AISI304 soveltuen ruuanvalmistuksessa käytettävien raaka-aineiden säilytykseen.
- tehokas puhallinjäähdytys
- elektroninen lämpötilan ohjaus digitaalisella lämpötilanäytöllä
- ulko- ja sisäpinnat ruostumatonta terästä (SS304)
- 3 säädettävää lankahyllyä (hyllymitat 530x540mm)
- ei sisävaloa
- alla säätöjalat, 4kpl
- lukko
- erillinen valokytkin
- oven kätisyys käännettävissä
- itsestään sulkeutuva ovi
- The cabinet has freezer and cooler lockers. Locker temperature in Cooler-section +5..+7˚C and in Freezer-section -18..-20˚C.
- Pick-ups and user terminals on both sides.
- 14 surface doors with freezer or cooler lockers behind them.
- Four large cooler lockers or six small + one large freezer lockers behind the surface door as standard
- Maximum number of lockers, allowing delivery of many simultaneous orders (1 per locker)
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 2600 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 6930 x 1490 mm

- Cooler lockers in the cabinet. The temperature of lockers +5..+7˚C.
- Pick-up and user terminal on one side.
- 3 surface doors with cooler lockers behind.
- 4 large cooler lockers behind the surface door as standard
- Maximum number of lockers enables the delivery of simultaneous orders
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 1200 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2200 x 3140 x 1580 mm

- Cooler lockers in the cabinet. The temperature of lockers +5..+7˚C.
- Pick-up and user terminals on both sides.
- 6 surface doors with cooler lockers behind.
- 4 large cooler lockers behind the surface door as standard
- Maximum number of lockers enables the delivery of simultaneous orders
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 1500 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 3140 x 1720 mm

- Cooler lockers in the cabinet. The temperature of lockers +5..+7˚C.
- Pick-up and user terminal on one side.
- 7 surface doors with cooler lockers behind
- 4 large cooler lockers behind the surface door as standard
- Maximum number of lockers enables the delivery of simultaneous orders
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 2030 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 5840 x 1450 mm

- Automaatissa kylmälokeroita. Lokeroiden lämpötila +5..+7˚C.
- Noutolokerot ja käyttöpäätteet molemmin puolin. 14 pintaovea, joiden takana kylmälokeroita
- Vakiorakenteessa pintaoven takana neljä isoa kylmälokeroa
- Maksimimäärä lokeroita mahdollistaen monien yhtäaikaisten toimitusten toimituksen
- Käyttöautomaatio asennettuna valmiina
- Cooler lockers in the cabinet. The temperature of lockers +5..+7˚C.
- User terminals on both sides.
- 14 surface doors with cooler lockers behind.
- 4 large cooler lockers behind the surface door as standard
- Maximum number of lockers enables the delivery of simultaneous orders
- Operational automation already installed
- Gross weight: 2480 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 5840 x 1490 mm

The Tefcold RK500 SNACK is a narrow cold storage cabinet with the mechanism down. The body and internal parts are all made of high-grade stainless steel AISI304, suitable for storing raw materials used in cooking.
- efficient fan cooling
- electronic temperature control with digital temperature display
- exterior and interior surfaces are stainless steel (SS304)
- 3 adjustable wire shelfs (shelf dimensions 530x540mm)
- no interior light
- adjustable feet below, 4pcs
- a lock
- separate light switch
- the handiness of the door is reversible
- self-closing door
- Freezer lockers in the cabinet, where temperature -18..-20˚C.
- Pick-up lockers on one side behind the surface doors.
- Total 3 surface doors. In the standard design, 6 small + one large lockers behind the surface door (different locker sizes as option).
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1200 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 3130 x 1450 mm

The Tefcold RK500 SNACK is a narrow cold storage cabinet with the mechanism down. The body and internal parts are all made of high-grade stainless steel AISI304, suitable for storing raw materials used in cooking.
- efficient fan cooling
- electronic temperature control with digital temperature display
- exterior and interior surfaces are stainless steel (SS304)
- 3 adjustable wire shelfs (shelf dimensions 530x540mm)
- no interior light
- adjustable feet below, 4pcs
- a lock
- separate light switch
- the handiness of the door is reversible
- self-closing door
- Freezer lockers in the cabinet, where temperature -18..-20˚C.
- Pick-up lockers on one side behind the surface doors.
- Total 4 surface doors. In the standard design, 6 small + one large lockers behind the surface door (different locker sizes as option).
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1600 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 3650 x 1460 mm

Automaatissa pakkaslokeroita
Lokeroiden lämpötila -16..-18˚C.
Noutolokerot molemmin puolin. *6 pintaovea, joiden takana pakkaslokeroita. Vakiorakenteessa pintaoven takana kuusi pientä + yksi iso lokero.
- Maksimimäärä lokeroita mahdollistaen monien yhtäaikaisten toimitusten toimituksen
- Ilman asiakkaan käyttöpäätteitä, voidaan yhdistää Cooler 14D tai Neutral 14D moduulin kanssa toimimaan samoilla käyttöpäätteillä.
Freezer lockers in the cabinet, where temperature -18..-20˚C.
Pick-up lockers on both sides behind the surface doors.
Total 6 surface doors. In the standard design, six small + one large locker behind each surface door (different locker sizes available as option).
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1200 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 3130 x 1490 mm

The Tefcold RK500 SNACK is a narrow cold storage cabinet with the mechanism down. The body and internal parts are all made of high-grade stainless steel AISI304, suitable for storing raw materials used in cooking.
- efficient fan cooling
- electronic temperature control with digital temperature display
- exterior and interior surfaces are stainless steel (SS304)
- 3 adjustable wire shelfs (shelf dimensions 530x540mm)
- no interior light
- adjustable feet below, 4pcs
- a lock
- separate light switch
- the handiness of the door is reversible
- self-closing door
- Freezer lockers in the cabinet, where temperature -18..-20˚C.
- Pick-up lockers on one side behind the surface doors.
- Total 8 surface doors. In the standard design, 6 small + one large lockers behind the surface door (different locker sizes as option).
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1600 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 3650 x 1460 mm

The Tefcold RK500 SNACK is a narrow cold storage cabinet with the mechanism down. The body and internal parts are all made of high-grade stainless steel AISI304, suitable for storing raw materials used in cooking.
- efficient fan cooling
- electronic temperature control with digital temperature display
- exterior and interior surfaces are stainless steel (SS304)
- 3 adjustable wire shelfs (shelf dimensions 530x540mm)
- no interior light
- adjustable feet below, 4pcs
- a lock
- separate light switch
- the handiness of the door is reversible
- self-closing door
- Without refrigeration unit, suitable for delivery of consumer goods
- Temperature of lockers >0°C
- Spacious lockers on one side
- Total 3 surface doors, behind which different locker sizes available.
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1200 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2700 x 1580 x 2200 mm

Automaatissa pakkaslokeroita
Lokeroiden lämpötila -16..-18˚C.
Noutolokerot molemmin puolin. *6 pintaovea, joiden takana pakkaslokeroita. Vakiorakenteessa pintaoven takana kuusi pientä + yksi iso lokero.
- Maksimimäärä lokeroita mahdollistaen monien yhtäaikaisten toimitusten toimituksen
- Ilman asiakkaan käyttöpäätteitä, voidaan yhdistää Cooler 14D tai Neutral 14D moduulin kanssa toimimaan samoilla käyttöpäätteillä.
- Without refrigeration unit, suitable for delivery of consumer goods
- Temperature of lockers >0°C
- Spacious lockers on two sides
- Total 6 surface doors, behind which different locker sizes available.
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.behind which different locker sizes available.
- Gross weight: 1500 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2700 x 1720 x 2200 mm

- Ilman kylmäkoneistoa, soveltuu käyttötavaran toimituksille
- Noutolokerot ja käyttöpäätteet molemmin puolin. 14 pintaovea, joiden takana pieniä tai isoja lokeroita.
- Pintaovien taakse valittavissa neljä isoa tai 6 pientä lokeroa
- Maksimimäärä lokeroita mahdollistaen monien yhtäaikaisten toimitusten toimituksen (1 ltk per lokero)
- Käyttöautomaatio asennettuna valmiina
- Without refrigeration unit, suitable for delivery of consumer goods
- Temperature of lockers >0°C
- Spacious lockers on one side
- Total 7 surface doors, behind which different locker sizes available.
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.
- Gross weight: 1930 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 5470 x 1490 mm

- Ilman kylmäkoneistoa, soveltuu käyttötavaran toimituksille
- Noutolokerot ja käyttöpäätteet molemmin puolin. 14 pintaovea, joiden takana pieniä tai isoja lokeroita.
- Pintaovien taakse valittavissa neljä isoa tai 6 pientä lokeroa
- Maksimimäärä lokeroita mahdollistaen monien yhtäaikaisten toimitusten toimituksen (1 ltk per lokero)
- Käyttöautomaatio asennettuna valmiina
- Without refrigeration unit, suitable for delivery of consumer goods
- Temperature of lockers >0°C
- Pick-up and operator terminals on both sides
- Total 14 surface doors, behind which different locker sizes available.
- Selectable with or without user terminal. Without own user terminal module can be used as a connecting module.behind which different locker sizes available.
- Gross weight: 2350 kg
- Packing dimensions (H x W x D): 2220 x 5470 x 1490 mm
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