WineQueen is a high quality Finnish brand.
WineQueen has been granted Made in Finland and Design from Finland -marks.
By selecting the WineQueen product, the customer makes a value choice. This is a long-lasting Finnish product made of high-quality materials. An environmentally friendly refrigerant has been used in the production and spare parts are available for the products, which means that they can also be serviced over the years. The WineQueen will retain its value for years to come.

WineQueen Wine Cooler
All Wine Queen products are designed in a way that they are ready to be installed into the furniture. Partly our Wine Queen range is available with solid door, where customer has the possibility to install his own kitchen door finishing onto the unit.

Asiakkaan omalla kalustelevyllä integroitava Wine Queen WQ 60/86 toimitetaan tehtaalta asennusvalmiina runkona, johon asiakas itse kiinnittää haluamansa kalustelevyn ja vetimen. Rungon mitat soveltuvat kalustetoimittajien standardimittoihin.
Viinikaappi soveltuu kaikille viinityypeille. Valmistetaan käsityönä Suomessa.
- yksi lämpötila-alue, säätöalue +10..+20°C
- vakio runkoväreinä valkoinen tai musta, muut runkovärit tilauksesta
- laite toimitetaan asennusvalmiina runkona, johon asiakas itse kiinnittää haluamansa kalustelevyn ja vetimen, ks. kuva
- vahva runkorakenne, ulkopinnat terästä ja sisäpinta alumiinia
- sisäpintojen sävynä polttomaalattu antiikkihopea
- vakiona yksi säädettävä pyökkihylly (säätöväli 15 mm) sekä pohjahylly.
- sisäosa viimeistelty massiivi punapyökkipuu kehyksin, ks. kuva
- lämminsävyinen led-vaakavalo
- hiljainen, tärinävaimennettu koneistorakenne
- kätisyys määriteltävissä
- alla säätöjalat
Asennusmitat ks. mittakuva.
Wine Queen WQ 60/86 to be integrated to customer’s own piece of furniture is delivered as an installation-ready frame from the factory. To this the customer attaches the piece of furniture and handle of his choice. The dimensions of the frame match the standard dimensions of furniture suppliers. Wine cooler is suitable for all wine types. It is hand-made in Finland.
- one temperature area, adjustment area +10..+20°C
- standard color of frame: white or black – other frame colors based on order
- equipment is delivered as an installation-ready frame to which the customer attached the piece of furniture of his choice
- strong frame structure, outer surface is steel and inner surface aluminium
- shade of inner surfaces: powder-coated antique silver
- as standard, a shelf made of beech (adjustable each 15 mm) and a bottom shelf
- inside finalized with massive beech frames
- warm-colored horizontal LED-lighting
- quiet, vibration absorbed structure of mechanism
- handedness to be defined
- adjustable feet
- Bottles of 0,75 l: 60 pcs
- Gross weight: Half pallet 67 kg, EUR-pallet 77 kg
- Packing dimensios HxWxD: 1010 x 800x 600 mm (half pallet), 1010 x 800 x 1200 mm (EUR-pallet)
- Amount on pallet: 1 pc
- Extra shelves
- Shelf on sliding rails (fixed installation), see picture
- Frame of stainless steel
- Frame color (RAL) selected by customer

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